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Celebrate love this Valentine's Day with Sid's Flowers' bouquet.


Available in three sizes, our mixed stem bouquets are a blend of pinks and hues of oranges with roses, snapdragons, anthuriums, gerbas and more.

A luxe bouquet includes a James Story red orchid and comes in a vase with water.


With convenient options for collection or delivery, ensure you avoid disappointment by pre-ordering before our cut-off date on Friday, 7th February.


Place your order now to make this Valentine's Day truly unforgettable.

The Simone

  • cut the stems at a 45 degree angle before putting them in water

    make sure no leaves are below the water line

    change the water every 2-3 days

    keep away from direct sunlight and heat

    hang your favourite stems upside down to dry and keep

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